I am research scientist at the CNRS based in Université Lyon 1 (Biometry and Evolutionary Biology Lab, UMR 5558).
I am a statistical ecologist (aka biometrician, biostatistician, quantitative ecologist, numerical ecologist, etc.). My work consists in developing novel statistical methods for analyzing biological data with a special emphasis on multivariate analysis and spatial statistics. I am mainly interested in understanding the role of multiple factors (e.g., species traits, environment) that influence the (spatial) structure of ecological communities and control beta diversity.
I am contributor/author of several software (freeware, open source) including the ade4 package for which provides statistical and graphical tools for the analysis of multivariate data.
Download my CV.
Habilitation, 2016
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I
PhD in Biometry, 2003
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I
MSc in Biometry, 1999
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I
BSc in Biometry, 1997
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I
Network of french scientists interested by statistical ecology
Advanced statistical modelling of ecological networks